Hire Content Writers Who Exceed Your Expectations

A good content writer can play a critical role in your next project’s success. Whether you need SEO optimization for a website, share-worthy blog posts, or influential social media posts, the right content writer can help you reach your goal.

Content writers for hire graphic

What Do You Get On Scripted?

Any Content Type

  • Blog Posts
  • Press Releases
  • Social Media Posts
  • Product Descriptions

Real, Vetted Writers

  • User Reviews & Success Metrics
  • Browse Writing Samples By Topic
  • Writers Pitch Blog Ideas
  • 24-hour Turnaround Available

Complete Solution

  • 100% Original Content
  • User-friendly Ordering
  • Instant Start Projects
  • Content Promotion Strategy

Power your marketing with great writing.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Hiring Content Writers

Hiring a content writer is one of the best things an organization can do. Content writers can provide the engaging, keyword-rich text for your site that interests existing customers, attracts new customers, saves you valuable time, and offers vital thought leadership elements.

If you go through the traditional hiring process when it comes to a content writer, a full-time, on-staff writer could cost around $50K a year. However, on-demand freelance writers could end up costing you a lot less; only employing writers when you need them and when it fits your budget can save you plenty of money.

The first option for hiring a content writer is to go the traditional route - put out a job request online, go through the candidates, find the right one and the right fit, and make an offer. The other way to find a writer? Go to a freelance writing service, see what they have to offer, and select the right one for your business.

It's not easy to find the right content writers for your service. Even if you take the plunge to hire a full-time content writer, they might not be the right person for your organization - and might not have the SEO skills needed. Be sure you go to a source that offers plenty of samples and profiles before you make your choice.

When you start looking for a content writer, there are several different things to look for. Your content writer needs to be communicative and responsive. They need to have excellent grammar skills, experience in your industry, and a sense of imagination and creativity. Most importantly, they need to know how to bring in those valuable SEO keywords that attract customers to your site.

Connect With the World’s Top Content Writers

Power Your Marketing Strategy — Connect with the Top Content Writers

At Scripted, we maintain high standards, as all content writers must exceed expectations before they join the Scripted team. To ensure the highest quality content, we only accept 2 percent of our applicants. Following the application process, only those who display excellent skills in grammar, word choice, and creative thinking are accepted.

Once a writer joins our team, they are expected to do more than just write quality content. Our writers pitch creative ideas to clients, meet tight deadlines, and use client feedback to improve content. Based on their expertise and experience in the industry, many of our writers are also able to provide marketing insight, further supporting the effectiveness of the content they create.

In many cases, long-term professional relationships develop, allowing clients to access a quality writer they trust when they need them most. It's like having an in-house writer without having to pay a full-time wage. Only pay for the content you need, when you need it. It's that simple.

How to Hire a Content Writer

How to Hire a Content Writer

Once you become a Scripted member, you have access to all of our well-vetted, top-quality content writers. Our platform makes it easy for you the find the right person for your next project.

You have a few options when hiring a content writer on Scripted. You can:

  • Browse writers by expertise and writing samples.
  • Assign work directly to the writers who impress you.
  • Invite writers to pitch ideas for your business.
  • Accept pitches from any of our writers.

You always maintain control over who works on your jobs. Many Scripted members develop long-term working relationships with a handful of trusted writers. Other members choose a new writer for each project. Our platform gives you the flexibility to choose the professional writer that matches your needs.

We’ve done the hard part by selecting some of the world’s best freelance and content writers. Now, you can use their skills to find greater success in all of your campaigns.

Connect With the World’s Top Content Writers

Types of Content Writers

You want a writer with experience creating the types of content that you need. We get that! That’s why we’ve collected a diverse group of professionals with experience working as:

  • Brand journalists
  • SEO experts
  • Lead generation writers
  • Subject matter specialists
  • Social media influencers
  • Advertising copywriters
  • Technical writers
  • Press release writers

No matter what type of writer you need, we know someone that will fit the project perfectly.

Hire a content writer for all of your project types.

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10 Popular Content Categories and the Writer Excelling in Them

We have content writers with experience in hundreds of categories. Our top 10 categories include:

Lifestyle And Travel

Look for well-traveled content writers that have published objective articles about topics like hotels, airlines, DIY, and travel tips.

Find other writers who write about Lifestyle And Travel...

Kimberly C
Customer Ratings: Star Star Star Star Half-star
18 reviews
Kimberly is an example of a great content writer on Scripted who writes about Lifestyle And Travel.


Our travel writers have experience with everything from apps to airline reviews. Browse their published articles to find a content writer that impresses you.

Find other writers who write about Travel...


Many of our content writers have backgrounds in business. The best tend to know how to translate wonky business terms into articles that the average reader can understand.

Find other writers who write about Business...


Scripted has writers who work in the healthcare industry. If you want an expert, look for someone with hands-on experience or a history of good research in your field.

Find other writers who write about Healthcare...


From music to movies, mobile apps to streaming services, entertainment dominates much of our lives. Scripted can connect you with an entertainment junkie who has published extensively in the genre.

Find other writers who write about Entertainment...


Not all of our content writers have backgrounds in English, communications, and journalism. We look for writers with educations in science so we can give you accurate, up-to-date articles about topics that leave most people scratching their heads.

Find other writers who write about Science...


Do you want to promote a restaurant or share a list of your city’s best eateries? Look for content writers with extensive travel, fine dining, and cooking experience.

Find other writers who write about Restaurants...


Some of our content writers have primary careers as fitness coaches. Others simply enjoy researching fitness topics because they want to educate readers about making healthy decisions.

Find other writers who write about Fitness...


It takes talent and effort to make cooking come alive on the page (or screen). Out top cooking content creators know how to write about recipes, cooking techniques, and appliances in ways that anyone can understand.

Find other writers who write about Cooking...


You might think of writers as nerds that want to spend all of their time reading books. In truth, many of our writers follow sports passionately. When you connect with a content writer that loves sports, you get a fun-loving person who knows how to write about statistics, history, and current events.

Find other writers who write about Sports...

How Much Does a Content Writer Cost?

Sample of Actual Content Writing Jobs

  • What Life on the Road Might Look Like in the Future 550 words • $55.00
  • 5 Ways to Boost Your Folate Intake 600 words • $64.62
  • Paleo Dieting - What's It All About? 650 words • $69.23

How Much Does a Content Writer Cost?

Scripted provides a marketplace where you and content writers can meet each other and explore ideas. We give our writers the freedom to set their own prices, so the amount that you spend will depend on the agreement that you reach with your writer.

When you request proposals, our content writers will send you ideas and their desired rates. Then, you can choose the one that appeals to you most.

The Scripted platform charges a service fee on top of the writer’s payment. Our fee goes toward paying employees, improving our platform, and finding new members who can benefit from our services.

When it comes to your projects, you always have the final say. If your content writer doesn’t exceed your expectations, you can reject the work and get a full refund.

We don’t want you to pay for content that you don’t love!

Can Content Writers Help Me Rank on Google?

Absolutely! Publishing remarkable content is one of the most effective ways to improve your Google ranking.

Google likes to reward websites that:

  • Publish informative blogs posts frequently.
  • Link to authoritative sites.
  • Get shared often on social media.

Scripted has thousands of content writers who have written content that's ranking on page one of Google. They write:

  • 100% original blog posts.
  • Social media posts that promote your content.
  • Website and landing page copy with keywords that attract search engine crawlers.
  • Newsletters that keep your audience engaged.

If you need extra help with Google rankings, you can use our Cruise Control data-driven content marketing solutions. The perks of Cruise Control include:

  • A content strategy developed by our team of experts.
  • An SEO audit that optimizes your existing content.
  • Keyword research that helps you attract search engine crawlers.
  • Publishing content on your site as well as social media, forums, and leading industry sites.
  • Content from writers that have years of SEO experience.

Top Google ranking can give your business the edge you need to beat competitors. We cannot overemphasize the importance of using strong content to achieve a higher ranking.

Can Content Writers Help Me Rank on Google?

Hire a content writer and start saving money on in-house staffing and PPC.

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Hire a Writer That Makes Your Content Stand Out.

Hire a Writer That Makes Your Content Stand Out.

Individuals and businesses hire Scripted content writers because they want the best. Many of them have tried other services before, and they’re tired of mediocre work that gets turned in after the deadline.

Some of our members have even tried to hire writers without help from an agency. More often than not, they end up wasting a lot of time on amateur writers that don’t know how to produce the kind of content needed to shine.

You hire a Scripted content writer because you know that you get to work with a professional that has years of writing experience. It takes talent, hard work, and dedication to join our team.

Where else could you find so many professionals on one platform? Answer: nowhere we’ve seen.

About 2 million blog posts get published each day. You need a writer that can make your content stand out even as the internet’s size grows faster and faster.

What Can You Get on the Scripted Platform?

What Can You Get on the Scripted Platform?

Whether you're launching your website, expanding your social media strategy, or are simply aiming to strengthen your brand, Scripted offers a wide range of options. When it comes to content, you can source:

Depending on the type of content you require, you can seek out specialized professionals. From social media influencers to advertising copywriters, technical writers to SEO experts, no matter what your needs are, Scripted has a writer that will fit your next project perfectly.

In relation to the content you need, it will be completed by real, vetted writers. To select the best writer for the job, you can easily view user reviews and success metrics, browse writing samples based on your topic of choice, and obtain unique pitches.

Hire a content writer and start building a long‑term relationship.

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How Does the Content Ordering Process Work?

Join Scripted
Describe Your Content Needs
Match with Industry Expert Writers
Receive Content

Smart Match


Scripted’s SmartMatch technology makes it easier than ever to get started immediately with an experienced freelance writer in your industry.

We categorize our freelance writers by industry expertise, skillset, and level of experience. This allows our SmartMatch system to place your business with the perfect freelancers for any of your various content creation needs.

No more posting to job boards, sifting through countless resumes, writing samples, and bids to find a reliable, full-time writer who can handle your website copy, blog posts, newsletters, and sales material. Instead, Scripted SmartMatch does the vetting of copywriters for you and allows you to order content immediately from the best writer, all within your pricing budget.

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100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you don't love it, you don't pay for it. Period.

How Can I Communicate With Scripted Writers?

How Can I Communicate With Scripted Writers?

Scripted’s platform gives you an easy way to find and communicate with content writers that interest you. All of our writers have profiles that you can browse once you become a member. When you find someone you like, click the button to send that person a message.

Once you have started a project with a writer, you can communicate from within the project. Click the Messages tab and begin a conversation with your content writer. Keeping communications within the project provides a streamlined approach that reduces confusion, especially when you have multiple writers working on jobs simultaneously.

Stop Wasting Time With Lackluster Content Writers!

How to Find Content Writers Quickly

The hiring process is straightforward, allowing you to get started right away.

Once you become a Scripted member, you will gain instant access to all of our top-quality content writers. If you're looking for a specific person based on your current strategy, Scripted will help you find the right person with ease.

The first is to browse writers based on expertise and writing samples. For example, need a writer with experience in healthcare? Perhaps you are looking for an expert sports and fitness writer? Regardless of your niche, writers are available. You can begin by browsing writers in order to view their writing samples.

Once you find your perfect writer, you can assign them work or invite them to pitch ideas. This process allows you to review which writers have a firm grasp on what it is you're trying to achieve. Their pitch will also include their rate.

Next, accept pitches that meet your expectations and match your budget. It's as simple as that. This approach provides you with greater control, as you hand-select the writers you'd like to work with. This is also how many Scripted members develop long-term working relationships with those they trust most.

At Scripted, we've put in the hard work, finding some of the world's best freelance content writers. As a member, you will have access to our entire talent pool, allowing you to craft the type of content that converts.

Discover what you’ve been missing - hire a content writer!

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Why Hire Content Writers?

As Jon Buscall, Chief Owner at Jontus Media once said, "Content marketing is a commitment, not a campaign." Content marketing strategies have been shown to increase leads and drive growth — strategies that are often powered by great writing.

Whether your goal is to boost brand awareness, increase leads, improve engagement rates, push sales, or develop trust, quality content will help you bridge the gap between you and your target audience. The keyword here being quality.

If you're on-the-hunt, seeking content writers for hire, Scripted can help you reach your current and future content marketing goals. The hiring process is simple, allowing you to focus on what really matters — your business.

"Mediocre content will hurt your brand more than doing nothing at all." — Joe Pulizzi, Content Marketing Institute

Research continues to show that content marketing is an incredible investment. While it costs 62 percent less than outbound marketing, content marketing generates over three times as many leads. Meaning, when done right, quality content will lead to growth.

According to IMPACT, the average company that blogs generates 55 percent more visitors to their website, gets 97 percent more inbound links, as well as 434 percent more indexed pages. More specifically, small businesses that blog get 126 percent more lead growth compared to those who do not blog.

There are hundreds of stats that support the effectiveness of content marketing and quality content. However, when it comes to content marketing, one thing is certain, quality writing is tough. In many cases, business owners aren't experienced writers themselves or they lack the expertise to create engaging content. In other cases, business owners are skilled writers, but they lack the time that's required to develop and create the type of content that truly delivers and converts.

When you hire and work with an experienced writer, you typically get the best of both worlds — a writer that's a subject matter expert, as well as someone who doubles as a marketing expert. Whether your goal is to boost your rank or improve your SEO strategy, a content writer can help you bridge the gap.

However, it's important to note that not all content writers are created equal — which is why you should source your content writers from a reliable source. This will ensure that your time and money are put to good use.

Scripted Delivers Quality Content Writers

You may have established the fact that your business needs quality content writers. However, you may now be thinking, what's next? How do I find content writers for hire that I can rely on?

Whether you need someone to help you with SEO optimization, create blog posts that are sure to be shared, or develop social media content that will take your brand to new heights, Scripted can help. Offering an immense pool of talent, when you hire freelance content writers, you will benefit from greater flexibility and cost savings, without having to sacrifice quality.

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Membership does not include content. View membership and pricing details.