Buy Original Personal Finance and Investing Blog Ideas For Your Business
Scripted connects you with talented writers in the personal finance industry. Below is a small example of the content ideas you can buy directly from your writer. Sign up for your 30 Day Free Trial today!
- Money Management
- Credit History
- Payday Lending
- Gift Cards
- Taxes
- Retirement Planning
- Credit Reports
- Personal Loans
- Stocks & Bonds
- Brokerage Firms
- Financial Advisors
- Bankruptcy
- Credit Cards
- Collections Agencies
- Budgeting
- Capital Gains
- ETFs
- Credit Scores
- Money
- Social Security
- Debt Relief
- Gas Prices
- Estate Planning
- Money Market Accounts
- Home Mortgages
- Stock Options
- Credit Unions
- Investing
- Financial Markets
- Online Banking
- Wills
- Banking
- Retirement Accounts
- Inflation
- Day Trading
What Makes a Great Personal Finance Industry Blog Idea?
Scripted writers know that they need the right mix of these five things to consistently craft compelling blog ideas. Great personal finance blog ideas:
- Should be aligned with your SMART business goals.
- Must be well-researched and cross-checked with current financial market trends.
- Need an understanding of your audience and respond to their financial and consumer needs.
- Have a catchy title that makes people want to click through or read more.
- Must have an exceptional outline or premise that can lead to a promising resolution.
Why Hire Personal Finance Industry Writers From Scripted?
Hiring Personal Finance writers from Scripted also provides these benefits:
- Your Personal Finance blog content will be professionally written and error-free since each post goes through several rounds of editing.
- You'll get access to financial experts who have the professional qualifications and experiences needed to write relevant, high-quality, and engaging finance-related pieces.
- We've helped thousands of Personal Finance brands grow their traffic by providing search engine optimization, fully-managed content production, along with quality writing services.
If you're looking for writers who know what personal finance businesses need and want out of their blogging efforts, look no further than Scripted.
With Scripted, other than being connected to a pool of excellent writers who are personal finance experts themselves, you can also have access to content proposals and pitches.
When you buy blog ideas, you'll have regular access to concepts crafted by personal finance experts who can write quality content tailored for your brand and audience.
Benefits of Blog Ideas
The top benefits of getting blog ideas are:
Here are the top benefits you'll experience once you buy blog ideas:
Stay Competitive - It helps your personal finance company stay ahead of the competition.
Increase Web Traffic - Your website traffic will increase as people will be more engaged and enjoy reading about topics on personal finance, specifically – banking, Budgeting, Investments, Insurance, and many more.
Brand Exposure - When you have high-quality personal finance blog content, it also encourages readers, who are connected to people in the financial industry, to share articles on social media–which means more exposure for your brand.
Become a Personal Finance Resource - Your personal finance blog will be an excellent resource for your customers who are financial advisors, managers, and investors in their respective fields.
Increase Content Volume - You'll have more personal finance-related content to post, which can increase traffic in the long run and eventually lead to conversions.
Keeps Things Interesting - Your audience will never get bored with reading the same thing over and over again because your content is always up-to-date with the latest personal finance market trends.
Ideas For Your Next Blog Post
Mobile applications are continuously evolving how we manage our personal finances, whether that's investing, savings, budgeting or payments. This post will explore that very dynamic of our relationships with finance through our phones.

Sample intro: We may not all have a background in finance or accounting, but when it comes to personal finance, being informed can go a long way. Here are some of the most common financial errors most people make and how to avoid them. Sample topics: Not saving enough for retirement, not investing in company's 401K, not looking for employers who off student debt repayment benefits, etc.

This post will examine the current situation of women in the finance industry. Specific topics covered will include in which areas of the finance field women are finding success, what challenges are still being faced, and what the future might hold.

To get rich, you have to live below your means. Here are 5 suggestions on improving your finances: 1. Find ways to earn more. 2. Reduce your biggest expenses (housing & transportation) 3. Consolidate/cut down debt 4. Start a budget 5. Save 10%

The post will address how our friends influence our financial bottom lines. Based on several studies that were published recently, the post would discuss how having friends, going into business with friends and investing with friends all affect our financial outlooks.

Retirement, Planning for Retirement should be done while the person is still young. Help those who find themselves struggling when they are into their 50's. Taxation, Remember when you cash in those IRA's early you owe a penalty to the IRS. Educate

Contrary to popular belief, most Americans are not drowning in credit card debt (statistics say it's closer to 38%). As unthinkable as living - and thriving - without plastic might be, it is possible. Here are a few tips to get started.

Catered towards those who have difficulties managing their finances, this piece will detail five actionable steps that readers can take to improve their finances in the new year.

After a rocky end to 2018, many investors are worried about what 2019 will bring. Now is the time to make sure your asset allocation is right and you have a solid emergency fund. After that, stay the course and keep up your regular investments no matter what.

Cryptocurrency is a hot topic in every venue. This post will aim to answer the question on everyone's mind: is it worth investing in? Note: This will be curated for those outside of the finance/tech industries and will utilize layman's terms to explain these advanced concepts.

Even if you're fresh out of school (college, or even high school) and are just starting your career, it's not too early to begin thinking about how you want to spend your retirement years. Being young and a long way from retirement--in other words, having lots of "time")--is one of your most valuable assets. Don't waste it! Start now, in your youth, developing and implementing your retirement plan. Set your goals and begin working toward them--you can only regret it if you wait.

In this article, I'll break down the general habits of the lower, middle, and upper class population to compare the differences of how they handle money. This is a popular topic addressed in just about every financial health book out there (in various ways) and it plays a key role in getting out of debt and gaining financial independence.

An overview of the newest FICO scoring system, including how it works, how it differs from the current credit scoring format, who it may benefit, and why.

Many people try to use personal accounts to avoid fees, but this makes accounting harder, may violate the banks terms risking closure without notice, and gives the IRS more to dig into if the business is audited.

In both personal and small business accounting, it is critical to keep an eye on your debt to income ratio. This article will give a few simple tips for understanding and managing this ratio better.

How Blog Ideas Works
To get started: sign up for an account, input your industry and outline your project goals, and then our writers will propose ideas that you can choose from based on what's relevant to your industry.
If there are specific blog topics you want to have written, you can outline what you're looking for in terms of the blog post title, sub-headers, keywords, word count, number of images you want... the list goes on.
You'll be able to track the progress of your project and communicate with a writer directly through a chat box if you have any questions, concerns or comments.
Post a job, and within minutes, one of our talented blog specialists will get in touch about how they can help make your content marketing strategy successful.
Every customer is assigned their own support team member who can answer any questions before, during, and after posting projects, ensuring quality control from start to finish.
How Hard Can Ideation Be?
The ideation phase of writing a blog post is challenging because it takes time to research and come up with great content. Many writers will spend hours brainstorming ideas before finally settling on one that might be good enough to write about.
Hiring an expert writer from Scripted can help take some of the stress out of this phase by doing all the ideation work for you - saving you valuable time in your day when you could be focusing on other tasks or projects instead.
Why Your Company Needs Strong Blog Ideas
There are many reasons why your business can benefit from working with Scripted. You'll save time and avoid
the stress that comes along with finding writers on your own. Our team is made up of professional writers
who have writing experience across 40+ industries, so you can always find a writer that understands your
audience. Start building your ideal writing team today with Scripted.
Find Blog Ideas For Your Industry
- Money Management
- Credit History
- Payday Lending
- Gift Cards
- Taxes
- Retirement Planning
- Credit Reports
- Personal Loans
- Stocks & Bonds
- Brokerage Firms
- Financial Advisors
- Bankruptcy
- Credit Cards
- Collections Agencies
- Budgeting
- Capital Gains
- ETFs
- Credit Scores
- Money
- Social Security
- Debt Relief
- Gas Prices
- Estate Planning
- Money Market Accounts
- Home Mortgages
- Stock Options
- Credit Unions
- Investing
- Financial Markets
- Online Banking
- Wills
- Banking
- Retirement Accounts
- Inflation
- Day Trading