Hire Scripted Freelance Writer Elizabeth Trach Today!
Elizabeth Trach is an experienced freelance writer in the industries.
If you’ve never grown leeks, you don’t know what you’re missing! This straight-laced member of the allium family has a milder flavor than onions, and it’s extremely cold hardy, making it a great choice for Northern gardeners lo...
How green is your lifestyle? If you're like many Americans, you're probably living a more sustainable lifestyle today than you were a decade ago. You've probably unscrewed your last incandescent bulb and made the switch to...
Saving for retirement is one of the most important things you can do for yourself — especially if you’d like to stop working some day. But did you know that 35 percent of the workforce doesn’t have access to an employer-sponsor...
Is seeing the world one of your dreams, or have you given up on taking trips to exotic locations because you’re sure it won’t fit into your budget? Good news: Globetrotting doesn’t have to break the bank — as long as you’re wil...

How to Ask Clients for Online Reviews Online reviews have become increasingly important for law firms. Today’s clients find everything on the internet, so it’s crucial for law firms to make sure they stand out in Google, Yelp, ...

You can't pick up a copy of "The Bunny" without immediately wanting to know more. If a picture's worth a thousand words, then the ones here are all questions. At the top of the list: Who is Father William Fulco, and why is he ...

(with apologies to Keats) Sonnet: When a Teacher Has Fears When I have fears red ink will cease to flow Before my pen has found out ev'ry fault, Before high piles of essays overflow And floorward lilt in leafy somersault; ...

Our older chickens molted early, and our younger ones finally figured out the whole egg-laying thing, so we are flush with eggs of many colors and sizes: [PHOTO] Despite the short hours of daylight, we've been able to turn th...

The single most important piece of any kitchen renovation is the cabinetry. It's important to choose wisely to make a solid investment, but shopping for kitchen cabinets can be completely overwhelming. There are thousands of po...

You know those people who never talk about money? I'm thinking of the ones who suddenly drop their voices to a whisper when talking about getting a raise, or the ones who say things like "well-off" and "comfortable" to describe...

If you're like most people, you rely on your car to get you places so you can live your life — and that includes getting back and forth to work so that you can earn your daily bread. Unfortunately, the price of freedom comes wi...

Pop quiz: What are the most fun words for Spanish students to learn? Answer: Colors! Learning colors reminds students of the sense of playfulness that they used to have about learning.