Freelance Writing Timeshares Jobs for Real Estate industry
Find freelance writing Timeshares jobs in the Real Estate industry on Scripted.
- Condominiums
- The MLS
- Townhouses
- Vacation Homes
- Property Titles
- Home Assessments
- Realtors
- Fractional Home Ownership
- Mortgages
- School Districts
- Property Taxes
- Home Prices
- Listing Brokers
- Apartment Rentals
- Commercial Leases
- Timeshares
- Suburban Living
- Homes
- Home Loans
- Mortgage Brokers
- Commercial Real Estate
- Property Managers
- Estate Sales
- Residential Real Estate
- Home Inspections
Create Your Real Estate Writer Profile
Whether you are new to writing about real estate or you're an established writer, creating a profile that shows your skills and experiences is the best way to find real estate freelance writing jobs on Scripted. Perhaps you have worked in real estate or published articles on related topics? You can add your published pieces to your portfolio to show off your skills to clients. Your profile is also the place to add your byline and a profile image to create an authentic picture of you as a writer. If you don't yet have much experience, you can start to build a reputation by bidding on projects that interest you. As you meet or exceed clients' expectations, you will create a reputation as a skilled and reliable Scripted writer.
Build Long-Term Relationships With Real Estate Clients
There are many clients on Scripted looking for real estate content. By completing jobs for these clients, you can start to build long-term relationships. Scripted values the personal touch over the anonymous content-generation processes that some other platforms use. You can pitch content ideas directly to clients, message them to discuss their content needs, and foster relationships that lead to long-term steady work. To start building relationships that will reward you in the future, be sure to consistently meet deadlines. Communicate clearly and professionally at all times. For example, you might like to send a positive message to a client who accepts your project or ask for feedback to help you improve your pitches.
Find Real Estate Freelance Writing Jobs Quickly Through SmartMatch
SmartMatch is a time-saving feature that has been added to the Scripted platform. Instead of asking for proposals, clients can offer jobs to all writers on the site who meet specific criteria. You can pick up SmartMatch finance freelance writing jobs and start working right away without waiting for the client to approve a pitch. It's a great way to find real estate freelance writing jobs on topics you know well. Of course, the pitching process still exists as an alternative for writers who prefer to propose their own topics.
Pitch Ideas for Real Estate Freelance Writing Jobs
Many writers love having the freedom to come up with their own writing ideas and topics. If you have a great idea for a blog post, video script, or ebook, you can pitch it directly to customers on the Scripted platform. If a client like your idea, they can place an order with you right away. It is then up to you to research and write about the topic you pitched, a process that many real estate writers find deeply satisfying. The more you pitch ideas to clients, the better you will get at anticipating the kinds of content they are looking for. More approved pitches mean more finance freelance writing jobs for you, more money in your pocket, and a stronger reputation for you on the site.
To make sure you are familiar with real estate and all it has to offer we have created the top sub-categories we want Real estate writers to know about, these include:
- Commercial Real Estate
- Residential Real Estate
- Estate Sales
- Realtors
- Home Prices
- Mortgages
- Home Loans
- Commercial Leases
- Listing Brokers
- Mortgage Brokers
- Property Investment
Set Prices Your Knowledge and Experience Deserve
When you pitch an idea on Scripted, you get to set a price that you believe is fair to the client and your
experience. Clients can even send you an additional tip to reward you for excellent work.
Every project has a minimum price that ensures writers get paid a fair amount. You always control how much
you charge, but the minimum prevents writers from drastically undercutting each other for jobs.
Work as Much or as Little as You Want
Some writers at Scripted use the platform to earn a little extra money. Others rely on it as their main
source of income.
You can use Scripted to write as much or as little as you want. As a freelance writer, you control your schedule.
Quick Payments for Accepted Projects
Scripted partners with Stripe to get money in your bank account quickly. You can usually expect payments
to reach your account within three to five days after your client accepts the project, depending on your
Writer Tier.
Scripted's platform lets you track all of your projects and payments through a convenient dashboard.
Manage All of Your Clients From One Dashboard
As a freelance writer, staying organized can be a big challenge. As a Scripted writer you can manage all your customers, jobs, and pitches in one dashboard so you know what to prioritize and what stage every job is in. Each job is placed in one of these four stages:
Proposals – pitches that clients are still considering.
Writing – assignments with upcoming deadlines.
Editing – projects in the editing stage before they get sent to clients.
Ready for Review – jobs now in clients' hands ready for acceptance.
You can also use the Scripted dashboard to manage your Writer Portfolio, writing samples, payments, and job invitations.
Support From Scripted Team of Professionals
At some point, every writer runs into a situation they don't know how to handle. Perhaps a client demands
something outrageous, or you're not sure how to answer a question about billing.
Scripted has a support staff of professionals waiting to address your issue as quickly as possible. Just
reach out to Scripted Support to get your question answered. You'll get a friendly, helpful response ASAP.
Become a Scripted Writer
Start your application to begin finding writing jobs on Scripted. Once you create an account and submit your application, an editor will review your credentials to determine whether you have the skills necessary to join a platform of talented, hard-working writers. You don't necessarily need a lot of experience. Show that you're an excellent researcher and writer to get started. We look forward to welcoming you to the Scripted team!
Work with Great Companies
All Scripted writers have the opportunity to work with all these great companies (and many more!)

Frequently Asked Questions
We can't wait to open up Scripted to writers of every language, but unfortunately Scripted is English language only at this time.
Applications are reviewed every Friday. So if you've submitted on anytime before Friday, you'll hear back from us that week. Applications submitted on Friday are reviewed with the next week's batch.
Right now, Scripted is only accepting applications from the US and Canada. In March 2021, we'll be opening up to Europe. We intend to continue opening up the application process to the rest of the world throughout the year, so be sure to check back with us often!
You'll receive an email from us notifying you of the results and welcoming you aboard! From there, we'll help you with getting started on the platform, updating your portfolio and matching you with clients. In March 2021, all newly accepted writers will be required to attend a webinar on best practices on the platform. From there, you're free to start working on content and earning money!
We're not currently accepting reapplications at this time, due to high volume. But that may change in the future, so please check back with us from time to time!
You can always reach out to us with any questions here. We're happy to help!
Hear From Scripted Writers
- Condominiums
- The MLS
- Townhouses
- Vacation Homes
- Property Titles
- Home Assessments
- Realtors
- Fractional Home Ownership
- Mortgages
- School Districts
- Property Taxes
- Home Prices
- Listing Brokers
- Apartment Rentals
- Commercial Leases
- Timeshares
- Suburban Living
- Homes
- Home Loans
- Mortgage Brokers
- Commercial Real Estate
- Property Managers
- Estate Sales
- Residential Real Estate
- Home Inspections