Hire Scripted Freelance Writer Mabh Savage Today!

Mabh Savage is an experienced freelance writer in the Cannabis, Cybersecurity, Food & Beverage, Healthcare, Health & Wellness, Marketing & Advertising, Pets, Retail & Ecommerce, Technology industries.

Mabh S
Mabh Savage
Leeds, England, United Kingdom
Writer for about 7 years
Last online 1 minute ago
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801 reviews
Mabh is an experienced professional copywriter and copyeditor with clients all around the world. As well as being a published author and regular columnist for various magazines, she writes SEO-focused copy for websites, blogs, and e-zines across a variety of industries. Her primary focus is health and nutrition, with expertise in fitness, supplements, complementary therapies, and a range of medical conditions. She's also up to date with digital transformation, data management, and data analytics, helping a number of thriving companies in this area engage their customers and clients with easy to read yet informative content.
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