What Are Newsletters? | Glossary

Traditionally, newsletters were printed documents distributed through the mail or handed out during events. Today, email has become the most popular way to send newsletters to followers. Digital newsletters have become so important that companies like Mailchimp and HubSpot develop tools for tracking key performance indicators like open rates, click rates, and conversion rates.

Newsletters remain popular because they can accomplish a lot for your organization. Some of the most important benefits you can get from newsletters include:

  • Increasing brand awareness among industry leaders and consumers.
  • Improving conversion rates to generate more revenue.
  • Encouraging customer loyalty through frequent interactions.
  • Keeping customers updated about your latest events, products, and services.

Considering that emails have a tremendous ROI, it makes sense for you to include newsletters as part of your content marketing strategy.

Newsletters can only help you reach your goals when you give readers compelling content that makes them excited to open your emails. Stale, boring content will get your email address labeled as spam. Once that happens, you lose an easy, effective way to communicate with your followers.

How can you create interesting content for your newsletter week after week? Since you have other things to do at work, you probably can’t. Whether you own a business or manage a team, you have a limited number of hours in the week. You might intend to write a great newsletter, but it will get lost in the shuffle more often than not.

You can solve that problem by hiring freelance newsletter writers on Scripted. Scripted vets every writer before letting them join the network. You can ensure that you hire the perfect person for your job by browsing the profiles of popular newsletter writers. Many profiles include writing samples that will show you how Scripted freelancers make content stand out and thrill readers.

You can subscribe to Scripted’s newsletter to see examples of excellent content. Every issue gives you insights into the latest trends in content marketing. You can learn about the changing nature of content marketing while noting the quality work that our writers create.

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Search engine optimization is firmly embedded in mainstream marketing and is a necessary element of any company’s marketing plan. About one-third of the world’s population now buys online. They also look for local services there. To survive and thrive, your company needs to master the elements of SEO strategy.

Scripted can help you develop this strategy through its SEO tools, quality content writers, and AI marketing services. For more information, fill out his brief online form or call 1-866-501-3116.

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