Disciplinary Procedure For Employers

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer John Lister

While no good employer would deny the need for employment law to protect both themselves and their employees, the fact remains that disputes over disciplinary issues can prove extremely costly for businesses. As an example, an unfair dismissal case could cost you a year's salary for the employee or £78,335, whichever is less. Aeris Employment Law is here to help you reduce the risk of having to make such a payout and, just as importantly, maintain your peace of mind. This is why it is so important to have a disciplinary procedure for employers. The disciplinary process can be one of the most complicated areas of employment law for businesses to navigate. It would be wonderful to think that bosses and staff could simply coexist by being reasonable, but without clear guidelines about exactly what staff can and can't do, and how you will deal with any breaches, you run the risk of costly and time-consuming legal challenges. Remember that it's not just major incidents that can cause problems: seemingly minor issues such as staff being rude or persistently late can easily blow up into employment law problems if not handled properly. Aeris Employment Law isn't just there for you when you need to defend yourself against a legal claim. We can also work with you to develop clear disciplinary guidelines to minimise the chances of problems and disputes arising in the first place. We can even physically handle the HR process and paperwork. We understand many of our clients come to us because they are in a difficult position: big enough to have employees and run the risk of disciplinary problems, but too small to make having a full-time employment advisor on staff financially unviable. That's why we offer a range of pricing options. We offer a monthly retainer package but it's not compulsory: you are more than welcome to use our services only as and when you need them. Whatever arrangement you choose, we will still offer you a dedicated point of contact so you can get 24/7 advice as soon as any problem arises. Even if you only use us on an "as needed" basis, you still get a big advantage over hiring in house employment support : we have a team of legal staff at your disposal meaning you get the benefit of both our combined experience and a range of specialist knowledge and expertise to cover every aspect of disciplinary issues, misconduct/gross misconduct and breaches of codes of conduct or policies. We keep on top of both changes in employment law and changes in the type of disciplinary issues that arise. For example, our founder Karin has particular expertise in the increasingly important issues relating to staff use of social media, what policies you should have in place to govern such use, and how you deal with any breach. As much as expertise and experience is important, we also understand the importance of attitude. We will always deal with you in an approachable but professional manner. We won't always tell you what you want to hear, but we'll always tell you what you need to know. We'll always advise you on the course of action we recommend but make sure you have the detail you need to make an informed decision. Please get in touch today if you have any questions, would like us to look at your case, or simply want to talk through your options.

Written by:

John Lister
Hire John L
You know what you want to say. I know how to say it. I get your message to your audience by crafting copy that’s clear, concise and correct. After earning a BA degree in Print Journalism at the University of Central Lancashire, I spent six years running the press office at Plain English Campaign. Since 2005 I’ve been a full-time freelance writer. While I’ve focused on technology and financial topics, I’m skilled at learning new subjects quickly and then explaining complicated topics in a simple but accurate way that is appropriate to the intended audience.
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