5 Common Mistakes of Fitness Beginners

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Catherina Pena

5 Most Common Mistakes of Fitness Beginners

  1. Not Stretching

Sprains and strains all aboard the injury train, first stop - planted on the couch with an elevated ankle and a mountain of frustration. That's what occurs regularly for novices to physical fitness who neglect their stretches and warm-ups. Stretching helps to keep muscles flexible and strong. Without flexibility the muscles become tight thereby limiting the joints range of motion. Nothing puts a bigger block in the way to your fitness goals than not being able to be physical! Stretch it out first and save yourself the strife.

  1. Overdoing Cardio

The heart and lungs are some of the most important organs to exist within our bodies. While challenging oneself to higher levels of cardiovascular endurance can be undeniably fun and healthy, there is such a thing as too much cardio. Not only can excessive cardio cause strain and be rough on the joints, it can also dramatically set you back on any weight loss goals you may be attempting to achieve. Pushing yourself too hard will lead to exhaustion paired with a ravenous appetite to compensate for all that burned energy, go easy.

  1. Neglecting Nutrition

Arguably the single most important aspect to physical fitness is proper nutrition. Without nourishing your body to handle strenuous activity you'll constantly wear yourself out. Worse yet, an unbalanced diet can cause a surprising amount of harm to the body. Too much protein can destroy the liver, too much of certain foods can leave you terribly constipated, and a lack of carbohydrates will leave you dead tired with little energy for anything let alone a workout. There are no magical shortcuts when it comes to food, stick to science. According to myplate.gov your typical meal should consist of 50% fruits and veggies, 25% protein, and 25% grains.

  1. Fearing the Gains

With Nutrition top of mind, it's also important to remember that gains are your friend! It doesn't matter if you're trying to just "get toned" it's critical to remember that any kind of muscle building is a process of bulking and cutting that takes time. The bulking part of the process is healthy, natural, and essential to reach the body of your dreams. Healthy* carbs and protein, although causing a short period of weight gain, give you a foundation to turn into muscle. Don't be afraid to embrace the less glamorous step of the journey. When cutting comes to an end you'll be grateful you did!

  1. Priorities & Motivations

At the end of the day the strongest motivator is simply health. The pursuit of body enhancement from a place of self dissatisfaction is the largest contributor to food and fitness related disorders. According to ANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders) eating disorders have a mortality rate second only to opioid overdose. If you or someone that you know are struggling with body image seek the help of a mental healthcare professional. Genuine health and wellness should be the number one priority at all times.

Written by:

Catherina Pena
Hire Catherina P
Part-time health, travel, and wellness blogger. Part-time traveling freelancer. Full-time lover of the magic of the English language. Please help me help you by utilizing my greatest passion in life as an essential building block to your success! I’ll bring my wholehearted enthusiasm, attention to detail, and driven work ethic to every table before me. I look forward to working together to make your dreams come true!
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