Subscribers | Glossary

Who Are Subscribers?

Subscribers can be individuals or organizations that make advanced, recurring payments for services, software, publications, and more. Many companies now offer subscriptions to emails and text messages to improve your consumer information efforts. People can subscribe to meal services, monthly pet supply packages, clothing services, and more. The number and type of subscription services keep growing.

Some organizations do offer free subscriptions or free trials for their products and services. For instance, you may subscribe to the New York Times, Netflix, or Microsoft Office for a short period at no charge. Often the term for fully paid subscriptions is a year or less. However, subscription terms vary widely.

Increasing Subscriber Numbers

You can increase your subscription sales by personalizing your marketing efforts. Ninety-one percent of consumers in a study said they are more likely to purchase from companies that give them customized offers and product recommendations. Today’s advanced AI software can easily use information from previous purchases and other consumer data to do so.

Other suggestions for increasing subscribers include:

Subscribers may not know they want something until you present it to them. You can gain and retain subscribers by offering them reasonable upgrades. Cable and streaming services do this by suggesting consumers sign up for the next, slightly more expensive tier that includes more channel choices. People who sign up for sports programming will receive offers to add ESPN or Fox Sports for a few dollars more.

You are asking people to invest more money by upselling, but you must point out the advantages, such as paying less per channel and reducing the need for further entertainment purchases. Do not confuse consumers by offering them too many upgrade options. Stick to a few of the most relevant based on the client’s viewing history or state preferences.

A Deep Catalog of Services
All subscription services have to compete for consumers. The best way to attract and keep subscribers is to offer them many options. You need a variety of service and product packages to prevent subscribers from wandering to your competition. They will stay with your company if you give them choice and value.

The Amazon model is to offer subscription services to commonly ordered products such as self-care items and pet supplies. The company offers reduced pricing when the consumer becomes a subscriber and highlights the difference in the item price when the product is a single purchase.

Subscribers also value the option to give gift subscriptions, especially around the holidays. These are convenient and thoughtful gifts that can generate more loyal customers. Another subscriber-friendly practice is to curate collections. When a consumer places an item in their cart, you can show them products that are “frequently purchased together.” You can then suggest subscriptions to monthly clothing boxes, household supplies, or baby necessities.

The Benefits of Subscriptions for Your Customers

Consumers sometimes hesitate to commit to subscriptions, but subscribing has some big benefits. Your sales staff should stress the following advantages:

Saves Money
Many companies offer discounted prices to their subscribers. Buying a daily newspaper is much more expensive than signing up for daily delivery. People who subscribe to online publications also save money and gain access to content by committing to a subscription period. Major newspapers may charge as little as a few dollars a month for the first year before raising their rates. Other business types also offer discounts to gain subscribers. A good subscription has financial advantages.

Increases Convenience
Today’s consumers have to juggle many daily obligations. Taking care of their jobs, homes, children, and other obligations leaves consumers little free time. Subscriptions can reduce the time they spend shopping for products. Items and services are automatically delivered to their homes. They can pull a meal kit out of the freezer, turn on a subscription streaming service, and read a text message alerting them to a big sale on electronics in a matter of minutes.
Personalized Service
These services give subscribers personalized options. When a consumer signs up, companies ask a series of questions that establish a user profile using AI technology.

These profiles allow companies to recommend certain items that fit the subscriber"s preferences, increasing the odds that they will be satisfied with the product.Non-subscription services do not offer shoppers this advantage. They usually have to wade through many items that do not interest them.

Sustainable Service
Subscription services are also eco-friendly because they reduce the need for individual packaging in certain situations. A monthly personal care box limits the need for bags and boxes. Food services help prevent food waste by delivering exact portions.

Online publication subscriptions have minimized paper demand, and SAAS reduces shipping and shopping needs, saving fuel and manpower.

The Importance of Subscriber Flexibility

A subscription is a commitment, but you do not want the consumer to feel trapped in an unsatisfying contract. Whenever possible, allow them to make changes to their order during the subscription period.

Most companies offer easy upgrades, but you can do more. Allow consumers to alter the items in their monthly package. Meal services let their subscribers change from Keto choices to gluten-free without issue. Baby supply companies allow parents to substitute diaper brands, sizes, numbers, etc. You can also let subscribers change the frequency of their delivery from bi-weekly to monthly. Some companies allow the subscriber to skip a month when they need to. This flexibility earns your company consumer trust and loyalty.

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