Textbroker vs. Fiverr

Many businesses and brands turn to the budget-friendly content marketplaces Textbroker and Fiverr for the freelance writing that powers their content campaigns. Let’s take a look at the differences and similarities in these two services.

Textbroker: A Content Pioneer

Las Vegas-based Textbroker was launched in 2007, making it the first content marketing service of its kind. This simple platform offered a place where clients could post content requests of all kinds to a general job board, and mostly part-time freelance writers looking for a way to work from home could grab jobs for a quick turnaround at very low payouts starting at a fraction of a cent per word.

In those early days, many clients turned to Textbroker for small, keyword-stuffed pieces that could be used to boost a website’s search rankings. Today, this multinational platform still offers low-cost content on a variety of topics, but it also offers services in multiple languages as well as managed accounts for business customers in the United States and around the world.

Textbroker Ordering

On Textbroker, open writing assignments are posted as “Open Orders,” ranked according to a rating system of two to five stars, which indicate the quality level needed for the job. Open Orders also clearly state the job price, which starts at around $0.2 per word for basic, two-star writing skills. Clients posting jobs at this price must be willing to accept low quality writing in exchange for the low cost. A four- or five-star writer can earn an average of $0.7 per word, with publication-worthy writing and error-free grammar and style.

Writers can also get Direct Orders from clients who select them personally or be invited to join a group of writers for Team Orders, which are managed by Textbroker for specific clients who have long-term content projects. All jobs include a $0.40 processing fee.

Textbroker for Freelancers: Open to Beginners

Textbroker’s goal is to make content available to anyone, so it gives customers the freedom to set their own priorities about quality and price. That also makes it easier for a new freelance writer to find work on Textbroker than on many other content creation platforms. Just about anyone can get started writing for Textbroker with a free account. Writers then provide a writing sample and take a simple grammar and spelling test. Based on quality, a content writer is assigned a star rating that can change as work is completed and reviewed. Writers can claim any Open Orders at their current rating or below.

Completed work on Textbroker is paid out twice weekly, and freelancers can request a payout when their account holds a minimum of $10. It can take time and effort to make significant money freelancing on Textbroker, but those with fluency in languages other than English also have access to specialized jobs and translation work as well. Writers can also make more through Direct Orders from a client who likes their work and sets a custom price.

Textbroker Pricing and Plans: Something for Everyone

Textbroker’s clients typically post individual jobs on their own, from their account dashboard. When a job is completed and accepted, they place payment into the writer’s Textbroker account.

But Textbroker also offers managed options. Team Orders are coordinated by an account manager who invites writers to the team and handles the processing of all orders on the account. The Managed Service plan offers customized writing services, full-service account management and access to additional services such as search optimization and translation into over 10 languages. Managed Service plans begin at a base price of $2500, but each client receives a custom quote based on individual needs, so costs can run much higher, or change over time.

Fiverr: A Marketplace for Everyone

Like Textbroker, Fiverr is an online marketplace where clients and content producers come together to arrange services in any price range. Fiverr was originally marketed as a place where all kinds of “jobs” from freelancers ranging from logo designers to product photographers could be purchased for just $5. Now, though, Fiverr allows entrepreneurs in all kinds of industries and specialties to offer freelance services at any rate they choose in its open Marketplace.

In the Fiverr system, freelancers are called “sellers,” and the clients who seek their services are known as “buyers.” Both buyers and sellers can get started on Fiverr with a free account, where they can manage jobs and handle payments. Fiverr’s general platform is a true marketplace, with no vetting from the platform or entry requirements for sellers. On the marketplace, it’s up to buyer and seller to handle transactions, with general customer support from the Fiverr team. Fiverr sellers can promote themselves and their services by posting portfolios and samples, and featuring reviews on their seller page.

Fiverr Ordering

There’s no limit to the number of jobs a buyer can purchase, or that a seller can offer, but Fiverr takes a fee from each transaction. For buyers, Fiverr claims $1 on purchases up to $20, and five percent of the purchase price on jobs costing more than that. For sellers, Fiverr takes 20 percent of each job, plus a fee to transfer money into external accounts such as PayPal or a seller’s bank.

Among the services Fiverr offers is a managed plan for business clients with specialized needs. The Fiverr Business plan includes a dedicated account manager who can find qualified freelancers on the marketplace, set up and coordinate freelance teams from a variety of specialties, and handle all other aspects of doing business on the platform. Fiverr Business costs $149 per year, and the first year can be free under various special deals.

Should You Choose Textbroker or Fiverr?

Both Textbroker and Fiverr offer a range of content writing services, aimed primarily at the cost-conscious marketer who may be willing to trade quality for budget prices. Textbroker’s services are specifically content-focused, while Fiverr’s open marketplace allows clients to mix and match the services they need, such as combining content with website design. But neither platform focuses on providing high-quality content from skilled and vetted freelance writers who must qualify for the platform with an application and outstanding writing samples.

Scripted: Quality Content for Successful Marketing

Scripted is dedicated to providing quality content marketing solutions for businesses and brands in industries of all kinds. Scripted’s many experienced freelance content writers have industry expertise and exceptional skills in writing articles, posts, press releases, transcripts, and other kinds of search-optimized, publication-ready content.

Freelance marketplaces like Fiverr and Textbroker make content available to everyone, but that’s often at the expense of quality. Scripted provides outstanding content that builds authority and drives successful marketing campaigns.

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