Two Reasons Why You Should Use The Color Mauve on Your Website

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Sheneng Pride

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Two Reasons Why You Should Use The Color Mauve on Your Website

Are you starting a new website or do you need to spruce up the one you have? Focus on color. Based on Pantony's 2015 Color of the Year is Announced!, there is actually a science behind color and it is proven that different colors can evoke different feelings. The color that is recently making a splash in the area of web design is an overlooked, comforting one, mauve.

If You Have A Website It Will Help

Whether you are a blogger, marketer, or a web designer, it will be in your best interest to consider this color. Mauve, an interesting mix between pale purple and light brown, is increasingly being used as an accent color. It helps by increasing user engagement and interest in websites. A creative way to use mauve is to use it for your feedback buttons. Coloring like and dislike buttons, buy now buttons, and objects used for user engagement will yield great results.

Tech Companies Are Embracing It

According to the article, Pantony's 2015 Color of the Year is Announced!, 9 percent of technology companies have used the color on the homepage of their website. The soft color is said to help produce connection and loyalty. If you do as the tech giants do and use it on your website homepage and mobile applications mauve can help you increase user activity.

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Sheneng Pride
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