Published short book on Amazon

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Joseph Byers

Many married couples cherish the hopes of having both a boy and a girl. In decades past, people usually would continue trying until they got children of both sexes. A Mystery Revealed is a book that will present you with the key to having both a boy and a girl. A Mystery Revealed also contains helpful tips and information on raising independent, self-confident children who will grow up to be productive, mature adults. A Mystery Revealed is an easy, concise book to read with important topics such as child training, practical education, genuine love, and effective discipline.


Written by:

Joseph Byers
Hire Joseph B
Joseph is a 53-year-old writer based out of Pocatello, Idaho, and is fluent in Vietnamese. He is highly experienced in marketing and advertising in the media and entertainment industry and has helped businesses focus on their target market with integrated marketing communications strategies and brand building across all channels and platforms.
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