Heart Disease in Women Facts and Symptoms

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Jackie Wagner

Gender Makes a Difference in Symptoms and Death Rate Attributed to Heart Disease Heart Disease is the number one killer of women in the United States. If you are a woman or have a woman in your life then you should know the symptoms and facts of Heart Disease in women. Most people do not know it is more likely to lead to death than all cancers combined and the symptoms for women are very different from men. Women are much more likely to die from heart disease complications than men are. According to womenshealth.gov in 2004, 60% more women died from heart disease than cancers. Know the symptoms and your numbers. Know the Symptoms of Heart Disease in Women Shortness of Breath or complaint of sudden unusual fatigue Possible swelling of extremities Indigestion or heartburn Discomfort or pain in chest, left arm, jaw, throat, stomach or back are common complaints. Important to know: Women are less likely to have chest pain than men are. Rapid heartbeat or palpitations Confusion, drooping face, slurred words are symptoms of stroke to look for. These are the main symptoms according to the CDC. Many women do not have any symptoms so if you suspect a life-threatening situation call emergency 911 any way. Better safe than sorry since heart disease is the number one killer of women. Take care of your mental and physical health A thorough annual physical to determine the level of risk for heart disease is essential. You need to know your blood pressure, cholesterol levels and blood glucose numbers. If you smoke, stop. Lose weight, if needed and eat healthier, your doctor can help you find the right weight loss and maintenance programs. Stress reducing activities like sports, yoga, meditation or other outlets are fun and good for your heart. Drink alcohol in moderation. According to the Office of Women's Health, US Department of Health and Human Services, limit of one drink a day. Seeing a doctor for regular checkups and maintaining a sensible weight, exercise regimen, and healthy eating habits certainly help. Educate yourself on the symptoms, prevention, and risk factors for Heart Disease in women so we can bring the leading cause of death for women in the United States to a controlled health concern. Love your women and their hearts and learn the facts. http://www.womenheart.org/ http://www.cdc.gov/dhdsp/data_statistics/fact_sheets/fs_women_heart.htm http://womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/heart-disease.html by Jackie Moore Wagner Originally published on Yahoo 2014

Written by:

Jackie Wagner
Hire Jackie W
My name is Jackie and I love to write. My working background is in corporate administration, customer service and accounts payable. I have been freelance online writing for three years. Yahoo Contributors Network was my first experience being published online. Since YCN's closure, I have been writing for blogmutt, zerys and other content type sites. In my free time, I am working on my first book, camping, volunteering, gardening and recreating old things into new treasures. My experience in writing is pretty much across the board. I have written for apartment, restaurant, and real estate bl...
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