Ghost story

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Md Akash HOSSAIN

The true story of the hotel house

Writer : MD Akash Hossain

Sadia is New to the city. Their home is in a village in Alamdanga district. The name and address have changed a bit because this is completely true. The Sadia come here to study. The distance from their village to the city is much longer so they stay here in a women's hotel with other girlfriends. He did not have any problem for a month after coming home. Everything was normal but the problem started from then on. The problem is that he often started having nightmares at night and his whole body ached during the day. The dream was that some boy was beating him. Someone is pulling her hair and someone is kicking her. Their inhuman torture continued all night. Then during the day he could see the marks of the beating on his body. His whole body was in great pain. Their hotel had three floors. The floor was tiled white and even the walls were white.

The owner of the hotel always kept the people clean and tidy. But in the morning, blood stains from any one of the rooms would go down the stairs and disappear from the three locks. It would not happen every day. Two would happen one after the other. One day it could be found on the roof. When I told my aunt at the hotel, she said it was mosquito blood. Suddenly they left the hotel where they would go so they were here. It was normal for the girls of the hotel. That hotel was the biggest hotel in that place. There were over a hundred girls living there. They did not sleep much at night. Some are reading, some are listening to music, some are talking on the phone. But on the last night, someone would slam the door open and the girls would wake up with a loud noise. The girls told the aunt of the hotel what the matter was but she said it was like that. Food was taught once but it never stopped. Sadia's condition started getting worse day by day. She would have been terrified of this nightmare. That's how the problem started in his head. He used to have a severe headache. He showed a paranormal doctor at home but what the man told him was more horrible. The man said you will be killed by people like this at a certain time so be careful. He was given an amulet but at the hotel it was really that dream again. He suddenly came to an unknown place and could not find a new hotel. And not only that, something or other would have happened here almost every day. Soheli just wanted to find out if there was any incident behind this hotel. The cook at the hotel later told him that the building was built entirely on top of a cemetery. There are many old graves here. As space became scarce, the townspeople moved the cemetery away.

The owner of this house bought it and built the building after there was nothing here for many days. Not finding a way, the Sadia moved home. I don't know if Sadia still sees that dream or not. Because Sadia sister is my sister's girlfriend. I will listen to him when he comes to our house.

................... The End.............

Written by:

Hire Md A
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