Five tips for getting better sleep naturally

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Beth Bartlett

It's one in the morning and you're having yet another staring contest with the ceiling. No matter how many hours you personally need, a good night's sleep is essential. Here are some tips on how you can count those snooze-carrying sheep without popping a single pill. Unplug your bedtime reading A book is a great way to relax before bed, but make it an old-fashioned one printed on paper. Recent findings suggest reading on tablets, phones and other devices make it harder to fall asleep and reduces the quality of sleep. Leave the cardio for the morning Trying to squeeze in your workout before bed? Stop! That cardio routine gets your adrenalin going and makes it harder to fall asleep. Regular exercise will help you fall asleep easier, but only if you make time for it elsewhere in your day. Skip that late cup of coffee In fact, hold off on any kind of artificial stimulant, from caffeine to the nicotine. Even that late-night glass of wine after a long day (hey, we've all been there) can end up keeping you awake during prime dozing hours. Eliminate or cut down on coffee, tea, or that last cigarette of the evening within four hours of bedtime. Make sleep a habit It sounds ridiculous at first; how can you schedule sleep? But by maintaining the same bedtime each evening, you can train your body to expect relaxation and rest, making it easier to fall asleep. Let it go You don't have to sing the hit song from "Frozen" to fall asleep, but follow the advice: learn to deal more effectively with stress. Let go of the day's troubles and trials before you go to bed, by making lists of what needs to be done tomorrow so it's out of your head, journaling your troubled thoughts or basic meditation. ##

Written by:

Beth Bartlett
Hire Beth B
I am a freelance writer with more than 15 years of experience. I've written human interest, tech, business, entertainment, travel, humor and geek culture. My clips include Mental Floss, the Saturday Evening Post, Huffington Post and more.
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