Five Interview Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Vanessa Tobias

So your kick-arse resume nabbed you an interview with your dream company. You're pretty good at adulting most of the time so you know you should research and be prepared as possible if you have any shot at getting the job. But what interview mistakes could you be making without even realising? 1. Bringing a Takeaway Coffee Cup If you're anything like us, it takes at least one coffee before you can contemplate facing the outside world. We also know you want to be super alert for the chance at your dream gig. However, former editor-in-chief of Vogue Australia Kristie Clements advises that showing up to an interview with a takeaway cup is one of her biggest pet hates. It's really unprofessional and not a good look. Finish your coffee before your interview. 2. Over-dressing In most cases, the rumours are true that you should look as professional as possible when being interviewed for a new position. But if you show up to a really funky agency in your dad's borrowed tuxedo you're going to look like a bit of a douche. It shows you haven't researched the company very well, and when there is so much information available online, there really isn't any excuse. We're not saying go for homeless hipster, but ensure you've checked on their websites and social media profiles to understand the company culture and pick something suitable. 3. Showing Up Too Early Showing up to an interview late is about as professional as smelling like last night's tequila shots. But showing up too early is just as rude. Are you expecting your interviewer to drop everything because you decided to rock up when you felt like it? It puts pressure on them to attend to you when they are most likely busy with something else. It doesn't show you're enthusiastic, it says you have no consideration for their time. We wouldn't recommend you be any earlier than ten minutes. 4. Being Too Cocky You may feel more confident in your abilities then Kanye doing Kanye. That's great, but answering the question about where you see yourself in the future with "your job" or "CEO" comes across as not only arrogant but disrespectful to the hard work and loyalty your interviewer has most likely put in to get where they are. Very few people in this position are impressed with hearing that someone else wants to steal their job. You can show ambition by a far more eloquent response such as "I would love to mentored by someone with your amazing skill-set to go as far as possible working for Company XYZ." 5. Not Following Up So you totally nailed that interview and impressed the pants off your interviewer. You're not quite walking around wearing each other's faces on your T-shirts, but you're pretty confident it went well. What now? It's a good idea to follow up and send your interviewer an email to thank them for their time. Let them know you are very interested in the role and once again touch over your skill-set and how it complements the position. It might just be what sets you apart from any other strong candidates. ​

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Vanessa Tobias
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