Dark Chocolate Marzipan Easter Eggs

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Holly Smith-Williams

These Dark Chocolate Marzipan Easter Eggs are a family tradition in the Mean household. I'm a bit of a stickler and have to maintain seasonal traditions, and like with all my Christmas foodie treats, these Easter eggs are something I've made every year. I am a marzipan lover. I know some people aren't so keen on this almond mix (Mr Mean), and others might call these people just plain weird (I never said that), because who in their right mind would not love a marzipan egg smothered in dark chocolate? I'm trying to persuade Mr Mean that my homemade marzipan is so much more sophisticated than that bright yellow, highly-almond-flavoured supermarket marzipan (I'd still eat it - I LOVE MARZIPAN!). He likes my Almond Nut Butter, he likes raw almonds, he'll even eat a cake made with ground almonds - it's just that marzipan flavour. Maybe he thinks I'm trying to kill him with a dose of cyanide? That's what those marzipan haters say: "It smells like cyanide." But how would they know? And even if Mr Mean can't stand marzipan - one day, he will like my marzipan Easter eggs! I come from a long line of proud almond lovers. My Nana used to make these Easter eggs every year, along with her Simmnel Cake. Me and my sisters would love to help her, as they are just so yummy. As the years went on, Nana developed arthritis and was confined to bed. Whilst she couldn't walk, we'd still make these Easter eggs every year at her house. Now Nana's no longer with us, we remember her at Easter and enjoy these super yummy eggs, and even if Mr Mean won't partake in this one tradition, my three children certainly enjoy it!

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Holly Smith-Williams
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