Why AirBnB or B&B owners should invest in smart security solutions

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Lotte Reford

Why AirBnB or B&B owners should invest in smart security solutions

If you own a B&B, holiday home or AirBnB you probably find yourself feeling like you should be in several places at once pretty regularly! 

Whether it’s checking up on the holiday property, supervising staff, or letting visitors in on their arrival, there are a whole load of responsibilities that have traditionally been in-person for the owners of holiday properties. But not any more.

With a smart security system like those offered by SafelyTeam, you can not only monitor the security of your property from afar but also let guests in, check that the cleaners worked in every room, and even monitor the temperature and air quality inside the building when it’s all locked up.

And with incredibly easy DIY set-up and affordable monthly rates starting from  on a rolling contract basis that you can alter or cancel at any time, SafelyTeam is perfect for the wallet of small business owners too. 

If you still need convincing, here are a few SafelyTeam features that make us the perfect choice for anyone running an AirBnb or holiday home.


Perfect for Multiple Properties

SafelyTeam is the only smart home security company that allows you to run multiple smart home systems on one app. 

That means that if you have two Airbnb properties, for example, both with SafelyTeam smart home security systems, you can have total control over both in one place. And two isn’t the limit! 

You could add several holiday home properties, plus your own home, and oversee them all with the SafelyConnect app. Or, you could install a Habitat Package for your parents at their place or a Defender Package for a child who has gone off to university in addition to the bespoke systems in your holiday homes. You would still be able to use our SafelyConnect app to monitor, arm, and control every one of them from your smartphone. 

Each system can be accessed separately through the app, with every sensor clearly labelled, so it’s almost as easy to monitor multiple systems as it is one. 

Two in One Sensors

SafelyTeam offers you more information about what is going on in each of your properties than any other smart home security system. We do this by using 2-in-1 sensors, with every one of our security, safety and wellness sensors also measuring either temperature or light levels, and our air quality sensors including humidity readings.

All this information is available to you on your SafelyConnect app, no matter how many systems you are monitoring. But how is it useful?

Well, imagine your guests have checked out late using a smart lock or a key box and you aren’t sure whether to drive out to the AirBnb property to check on things. You just need to glance at your SafelyConnect app to know that a window has been left open, and several lights have been left on, so you know you have to hop in the car and get down there!

You could even use the app proactively - checking on things just before the expected checkout time and using the information there to politely remind guests that checkout procedures include closing and locking all windows and making sure all lights are off.

Keeping a Discrete Eye on Staff

If you have more than one holiday rental property, you probably employ cleaners, property managers or general assistants to help out with things like cleaning, maintenance and making sure guests are comfortable. You hire these helping hands because you can’t always be there yourself, but that means you don’t often have eyes on the quality of their work.

Of course, I’m not suggesting full-on surveillance here, but you can use unique keycodes for each member of staff so you know when they come and go, you can very easily check what rooms a cleaner has spent time in using motion detectors, and just as with guests you can make sure no one leaves a door unlocked, a window open or an appliance on through the SafelyConnect app. Sometimes, a room might be missed or a door might be left unlocked totally by accident, but knowing when this happens allows you to step in and send a reminder, avoiding bigger issues in the long run. 

Smart Locks

Many holiday let and AirBnb properties could benefit from easy self check-in and check-out. With a SafelyTeam smart home security system you can use a smart lock, controlled through our app, to allow your guests to let themselves in and lock up when they leave. Smart locks can be easily installed over an existing lock, and don’t interfere with using the keys apart from at check-in/check-out.

A Focus on Safety + Security

Holiday lets are often a seasonal business. This means that your property might well be left empty and locked up for long periods of time, with at best the odd check in from you or a member of staff. When a property is empty, it’s much more vulnerable to both burglary and property damage that an occupied property.

SafelyTeam protects against both damage and bad actors with security features including contact sensors for windows and doors and internal motion sensors, and safety features like flood, smoke and heat alarms. 

With SafelyTeam, it’s almost like you are checking on your property every time you open your SafelyConnect app. This means that you can head any issues (like a leaky pipe, or a backdoor that has been left ajar) off immediately and avoid much larger problems later, along with their attendant expenses and timesuck. You will be notified immediately when any alarm at your holiday let property is tripped, as will SafelyTeam’s alarms receiving centre staff.

24/7 Monitoring

SafelyTeam is one of very few smart home security providers equipped with 24/7 monitoring. That’s because in order to work with an alarms receiving centre like we do, our operations and equipment had to pass stringent quality checks. These checks include hardware and software quality, and the certification is regularly renewed to include any new products. 

The staff at our monitoring centres contact you if there are any issues at one of your properties, and they also have a much more direct line to the police than you get as a civilian. If anything happens at your property, you will talk to a real person who knows exactly which sensor in which room was tripped. This allows you to make an informed decision on the steps you need to take. 

Peace of Mind

The thing about having multiple properties, especially holiday lets that have guests coming and going, is that it’s hard not to worry about what’s going on when you aren’t there. And, as I said earlier, you can’t be in multiple places at once. Nor would you want to ruin a romantic mini-break by coming to check on your guests! SafelyTeam solves that problem, allowing you to get a virtual snapshot of what’s going on at your properties at any time, and to look much deeper if anything seems strange. 

SafelyTeam offers an impressive level of smart safety and security at an affordable price, but what we’re really offering is peace of mind. And not only that - it’s peace of mind that can be topped up at any time, from anywhere, with no more than a glance at your SafelyConnect app!

If you want to know a little more about SafelyTeam before taking the plunge, check out our website or join our mailing list to hear about new products, packages and third-party integrations.

Written by:

Lotte Reford
Hire Lotte R
Lotte is a Glasgow-based writer and teacher. She holds an MFA in Poetry and an MLitt in Creative Writing, but her bread and butter is writing content for startups and small businesses in the Branding and Marketing, SaaS, AI, IoT, and Web3 spaces. To keep things exciting, she throws in the occasional lifestyle or travel piece. Lotte has 5 years experience writing and ghostwriting content, backed up by a lifetime of obsessive reading and creative writing.
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