Is Tinnitus a Temporary Inconvenience or a Permanent Condition?

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Chelsea Dewlen

Is Tinnitus a Temporary Inconvenience or a Permanent Condition?

Are you hearing a ringing, buzzing, or clicking sound in your ear? Odds are you're experiencing tinnitus. If so, you’re not alone. 15- 20% of people will experience tinnitus at some point in their lives.1 

Tinnitus can interrupt your daily life and make concentrating on anything else a challenge. It can make working and sleeping feel like impossible tasks. If you’re suffering from this irritating condition, you may be wondering “Is tinnitus permanent?” 

The good news is that some cases of tinnitus will resolve over time. And those that don’t can be managed. Our doctors of audiology at Holland Hearing Center are Abilene’s most trusted tinnitus experts. They’ll be able to diagnose your specific case and provide you with proven, effective treatment options — whether your tinnitus is temporary or permanent.

How Long Does Tinnitus Last?

How long tinnitus lasts depends on the underlying issue causing it. Common causes of tinnitus are:

  • Ear infection

  • Ear canal blockage

  • Age 

  • Injury

  • Loud noises

  • Certain medications

  • Certain health conditions

Tinnitus is often temporary. If your ears are ringing after one loud rock concert, you likely don’t have much to worry about. 

If your symptoms are caused by medications, they’ll typically resolve once you stop taking the medication. If tinnitus is brought on by a cold, flu, or sinus infection, it will usually resolve in about a week. If not, you should consult your doctor.

If the cause of your tinnitus is built-up earwax, your hearing may go back to normal when the blockage is removed. But leave this to the professionals — don’t go digging around with a cotton swab.

In some cases, tinnitus can last months or even years. Without a proper diagnosis, it’s tough to determine how long your individual case of tinnitus will last. 

What Causes Permanent Tinnitus?

Although tinnitus does often go away with time, the condition can be permanent. Permanent tinnitus is often caused by:

Prolonged exposure to loud noises: Over time, repeated exposure to loud noises can cause hearing damage. It’s not uncommon for musicians or construction workers to experience permanent tinnitus. 

Hearing loss due to aging: You can experience tinnitus at any age, but it becomes more common as you get older. As you age, your ears experience wear and tear, which can lead to loss of hearing. Tinnitus commonly accompanies age-related hearing loss. If you are experiencing hearing loss due to aging, it’s important to talk to your doctor so they can address the problem right away. 

Head injuries: A traumatic injury to the brain or concussion can trigger tinnitus. How long tinnitus lasts and whether or not the condition is permanent depends on the severity of the injury.

How Can You Protect Yourself From Tinnitus?

Prevention is key. Always protect your ears from loud noises, especially above the 85-decibel limit. If you’re a regular concert-goer, invest in a pair of earplugs that will block out the damaging decibels while still allowing you to enjoy the music.

If you work in an industry that requires you to be around loud sounds on a regular basis, quality over-the-ear headphones offer great protection against hearing damage and permanent tinnitus. And when you’re listening to music with headphones, consider turning down the volume.

Sometimes, exposure to loud noises can’t be prevented. If you find yourself suffering from ringing in your ears, there are many ways to make your situation more bearable.

How Can You Find Relief From Tinnitus?

This may be easier said than done — but try not to focus on your tinnitus. Concentrating on the ringing in your ears can stress you out, and stress can lead to a number of unwanted side effects.

Instead, try to take deep breaths and relax. Loud noises can make your condition worse, so try to avoid them. Yoga and meditation can be powerful in helping you cope with the symptoms of tinnitus. Using a white noise machine can distract you and help you sleep at night. 

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) can help you learn to manage your symptoms. There are also many online groups and forums that offer support. Stay positive — though tinnitus can be frustrating and difficult to deal with, there are many treatment options that can help relieve your symptoms and improve your quality of life. 

When Should You See an Audiologist?

There’s no cure for tinnitus since it’s not actually an illness — it’s a symptom of other hearing-related issues like noise damage and aging. If you’re experiencing ringing in your ears that’s not going away, you should book a visit with your audiologist. 

Our award-winning doctors of audiology at Holland Hearing Center are trusted by tens of thousands of people. They’ll work with you to identify the underlying cause of your tinnitus and recommend the best treatment for your individual case. Schedule your tinnitus assessment here.


1. Tinnitus. Accessed 16 March 2023.

Written by:

Chelsea Dewlen
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Hi, I'm Chelsea! I'm a freelance copywriter with a background in e-commerce. I'm passionate about beauty, health & wellness, and tech. I create high-quality content that builds trust and authority within your industry while helping grow your audience. I write blogs, email sequences, website copy, landing pages, e-books, social media ads, and more! If you want to build a strong online presence and reach your ideal client, I can help!
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