Reality check infographic 2023

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Jane Haynie


The “And” of Sustainability and Digital Transformation

Subhead: Achieving both sustainability and digital transformation is finally possible with the right technology and partner


Enterprises around the world grapple with a tough choice: Should they prioritize sustainability or digital transformation while they navigate the current unpredictable economic climate? Challenges getting support or tooling for sustainability initiatives — among other problems —  often leads organizations to believe that sustainability and digital transformation are not compatible. They are an “either/or” proposition. 

But with the right technologies and partners in place, a sustainability strategy can drive organizational growth, revenue, and digital transformation. This infographic showcases the top concerns and challenges in implementing sustainability, and the technologies successful organizations have found most helpful.


An uncertain economy has left companies with two battling priorities:

Altruistic concerns: Sustainability


Economic Concerns: Digital transformation

95% of companies consider sustainability a top priority


84% admit that sustainability gets deprioritized for commercial objectives

[Design note: Create a graphic representation of these opposing forces by dividing them into separate boxes or creating a sports arena graphic that shows them as opposing teams. Highlight the statistics within]

While companies feel they must prioritize digital transformation, sustainability has clear economic value.

  1. 97% say sustainability influences their buying decisions.

  2. 84% believe they could lose employees without a clear sustainability strategy.

  3. 87% believe they could lose investors without a clear sustainability strategy.

So why do companies continue to leave sustainability on the back burner?

Challenge 1: Lack of support

Challenge 2: No sustainability culture

Challenge 3: Insufficient tooling

47% don’t believe employees understand the strategy

82% don’t have targets, incentives, and reporting for sustainability

32% don’t have the tech

47% have poorly implemented tech

[Sidebar highlight: Intel achieved a 15% drop in emissions by incentivizing employees to prioritize sustainability] 

The good news: Some companies are getting it right.

20% of companies prioritize both sustainability and digital transformation by adopting sustainable technologies that also deliver economic benefits.

Technologies that have the most significant impact on their success:



Digital Transformation

Cloud Platforms (45%)

Similar environmental impact as taking 22 million cars off the road

Provides the ability to track and measure ROI on sustainability initiatives

Data Integration (28%)

Increases efficiency, lowering energy and resource expenditure

Combines multiple data streams for analysis across business units

Edge Computing (27%)

Enables devices to make smart, automated decisions that reduce the environmental impact of equipment and machines

Lowers costs by reducing energy and power consumption

The Result?

Altruistic concerns: Sustainability


Economic Concerns: Digital transformation


Read the full report [link to Reality Check white paper]

Written by:

Jane Haynie
Hire Jane H
I have been a professional writer for tech and SaaS companies for over ten years. My specialty is taking complex subjects and making them compelling and simple to digest. I like to infuse creativity and humor into my work, when appropriate, and excel at staying focused on the mindset and lifestyle of the target audience. I also own a local gym and can write about fitness, diet, lifestyle, and related topics.
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