Telehealth: Getting Better Control of Your Bladder - Without Leaving Your Home

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Emily Caldwell

Telehealth: Getting Better Control of Your Bladder - Without Leaving Your Home

The COVID-19 pandemic has permanently changed the way patients receive medical care. As the experts advised us to stay home more often, many patients were unable to see their doctor for routine, non-emergent medical conditions. Telehealth, or telemedicine, allowed patients to regularly see their doctors during this time, all without leaving their homes!

Today, telehealth is here to stay. Though it increased in popularity due to the pandemic, many patients and health care providers enjoy the flexibility it provides for them. Many types of urinary and bladder conditions can be discussed via telehealth appointments. Keep reading to learn more about telehealth and how it can be an excellent choice for your medical concerns.

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth, sometimes called telemedicine, is a way to have a visit with your doctor without leaving your home. Telemedicine is conducted either via video call or sometimes a phone call. It is done through a video conferencing platform, allowing you to connect with your doctor from anywhere.

Though popular pre-pandemic, the pandemic has necessitated a new market for telehealth offerings. Now, more than ever before, health care providers and doctors' offices are adapting to offer telehealth services to their patients. Ask your doctor if they provide opportunities for telehealth visits.

Many features are available through telehealth, including:

  • The ability to share your medical record with your doctor and information such as current medications, insurance ID card, allergies, etc;. You may wish to upload or share this information in advance of your visit to give your doctor time to review your history before speaking with you.

  • Share photos of your symptoms or type a description, if needed

  • Pay online for telehealth visit bills

  • Send direct messages to your health care provider

What types of services can I receive via telehealth?

A telehealth visit can be useful for a wide variety of medical concerns. Of course, anything that requires physical procedures or emergency attention will not be suitable for a telehealth visit. If you’re experiencing bladder or urinary problems, a telehealth visit may be suitable for you. Some common bladder-related conditions that are seen via telehealth medicine include:

  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Your doctor may ask you to describe the bladder symptoms you are experiencing. In some instances, they may want you to obtain a urine specimen to look for bacteria. This will require a trip to the lab or office. In some cases, the doctor may be able to prescribe necessary antibiotics to treat a UTI via telehealth.

  • Kidney Infections or Stones: Your doctor will need a clear description of the symptoms you’re experiencing. Though sometimes initial testing may be required, the initial visit with your doctor can be done via telehealth. The doctor may be able to provide medication to relax your urinary tract and allow the stone to pass more easily.

  • Incontinence: This broad term encompasses several conditions which may cause bladder leaking, urgency, or other symptoms. An initial televisit is a good place to start to tell your doctors about your symptoms.

Telehealth visits have an important role both in urology specialties and other medical specialties. If your provider does not currently offer telehealth services, consider suggesting it as it is becoming very common amongst health care providers.

Benefits of Telehealth 

Telehealth has increased in popularity due to its many advantages which include:

  • Access to Better Care: For patients living in rural areas with limited medical doctors, telehealth can give you the flexibility to see more specialized doctors without worrying about a long drive. While you may need to be seen in-office occasionally, in-between visits using telehealth can save you frequent long drives to the doctor.

  • Convenience: Save time without waiting in a waiting room or driving to and from your doctor’s office. Connect to a telehealth visit from the comfort of your home on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

  • Better Disease Management:  See your doctor more frequently with telehealth visits to better manage certain chronic diseases. It may be easier for you to keep scheduled appointments knowing you can save time with telehealth.

  • Improve Continuity of Care: Moving out of state? Keep your doctor that you’re established with, rather than having to find a new one. Telehealth allows you to have a visit with your doctor from anywhere!

  • Family Connection: Should you need a family member to speak on your behalf or provide assistance, telehealth allows you to include an additional person in the “virtual” doctor's room, without them having to be physically present with you in an in-office appointment. 

Written by:

Emily Caldwell
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