
This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Joanne Derecho

Writer Bio: Joanne writes meditation scripts for Youtubers like Jess Shepherd and sleep apps like Ultrahuman, Soothing Pod and Mediana.
I'm credited as a co-writer


Change is a natural part of life and perhaps, the only thing constant in our existence. The river constantly flows, the clouds never stay in one place, and the wind is continuously shifting directions depending on the season. 

Life is all about change. 

Yet, a lot of us are afraid of change. We don't like the uncertainty it brings, and we prefer to stay in our comfort zones where it's familiar and safe. But while comfort zones are warm and comfortable, you can only achieve the best version of yourself if you dare to step out of your comfort zone and embrace change. This is how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. It undergoes a metamorphosis. 

I am a blue morpho butterfly, one of the most emblematic of all the butterfly species found in the Amazon. I can't blame you for staring at my blue, almost hypnotic iridescent wings bordered by dotted black as they flap effortlessly in the soft breeze. They are beautiful, almost magical. 

Blue is one of the rarest colors in nature, and blue butterflies like me achieve this color not by pigment but by cleverly manipulating light. I accomplish this iridescent and exquisitely blue color by small microscopic scales that reflect light making my wings appear blue. Magic? I think not, just another one of nature's perfect creations.

As much as I love the freedom of flying, the sky wasn't always my home, and I didn't always have the freedom and the confidence to fly where I wanted. I metamorphosed into what you see today. Metamorphosis is a total transformation, the process of letting go of your old life and creating a new one, something totally different from your new one. This change doesn't come from the outside. Instead, it starts from a seed of desire to be more inside you. When I found the courage, I transformed from a lowly caterpillar to an azure, blue butterfly, admired by all. 

Is there anything in your life you have always wanted to do but couldn't bring yourself to go ahead and do it? Perhaps you want a promotion at work but are too afraid to ask? Maybe you like someone, but you're too scared of rejection to confess your feelings? Do you just want a change in your life, but you couldn't find the courage to cross the bridge and do it? Take a few minutes and think about what you want to achieve and reflect on what prevents you from going forward. Most of the time, this hesitation comes from fear, and a lot of the time, this fear is imagined, a wall we built by ourselves brick by brick over the years. 

Together, we will transform this fear, join me, and experience the magic of metamorphosis, total change, and letting go of any inhibitions so you can move forward in whatever you desire to do. Fly with me and experience complete freedom. 

I remember like it was just yesterday when I was just a caterpillar living on a pea plant. Many caterpillars also called this plant home, but I always tried to crawl and perch on the highest leaf possible to see the clear blue sky and the butterflies flying around. I often wished I could touch the clouds and fly freely as the wondrous, colorful butterflies. I desired to be one of them. That desire ran so deep that I could almost taste it, yet I had no idea how to become one. Perhaps the heavens heard me, and one day, a large beautiful white butterfly perched near the leaf where I was resting and told me that one day I too could become a butterfly because I already had everything I needed to become one inside. 

I had everything I needed to be a butterfly in me. I didn't know how and when, but I accepted this, slowly letting go of my fears and inhibitions. And, slowly, my body seems to know what to do by itself. My appetite increased with each passing day, and I meticulously ate every cell of the scrumptious green pea leaf. With every bite, I nurture my body with the life-giving leaves of the pea plant.

Just as I'm preparing my body by eating my fill with pea leaves, nurture your spirit by filling it with good memories and the knowledge that the universe loves you.  Think of all the memorable times you’ve shared with the people you love - a kiss, a warm embrace, a hearty laugh. Hold on to those wonderful feelings.

Thank the cosmos for the life-giving air as you breathe in and out.Thank the universe for the gift of life, for the grace of waking up to a new day and the opportunity to enjoy life again.  Let that love and gratefulness manifest themselves in a warm green light that starts from where your heart is. Slowly it steadily grows until it envelops every cell of your body, filling you with feelings of love light, courage, and hope. 

As I eat the last bit of green leaf, I feel my hunger satiated, and I no longer want to eat the still plentiful leaves of the pea plant. Now that I am no longer driven by my physical senses to eat, I feel my dream of soaring through the skies growing stronger and stronger, urging me to walk too far from the safety of the covered leaves to the strong support of the small branch. I take one gingerly step one at a time, and with each step, I find myself walking a little faster, a little bit sure of myself. Something inside me was urging me on, telling me everything would be okay. 

As I walk toward the end, I feel strong and at peace. I am ready. I find a sturdy branch, take a deep breath, and trust the power of transformation. I didn't look back as I left every semblance of my old life, and I went inside myself, in a chrysalis to be born again. The process of metamorphosis still can't be understood by scientists. Although they say they know what happens, they don't have the answer to the hows and the whys of the process. Sometimes, nature has secrets it doesn't want to share, but I will tell you this, change is the only constant thing in this life. Don't be afraid of it. Embrace it, and it will transform you. 

Now that your spirit is in a chrysalis of love and light, allow that energy to permeate your body and slowly replace all the feelings that make you doubt your strong and powerful spirit. Let the gentle energy replace your feelings of fear with courage. You are a warrior of love and life, and there is nothing you can't do in this world. You find the warm and loving energy slowly replacing your self-doubt with feelings of confidence and self-worth. You are beautiful and special, just as you are. 

You feel surrounded by love and the warm and green energy gives you clarity to the things you once found hard to understand. Allow yourself to be gently transformed with the warm and loving energy inside you. Breathe in the healing and transformative power and allow the transformative change to happen inside of you.  

There is no concept of time inside the chrysalis, and my transformation happens cell by cell, slow but sure. When the process is complete, I awake to find my once robust body replaced by a slimmer, more agile one. And in that body, I have delicate yet powerful blue wings, making my dream of soaring the skies a reality. I have proboscis instead of jaws so I can feast on nectar. I have become the best version of myself. I shakily emerge from my chrysalis, and I stay for a few minutes to steady myself and let the cool air strengthen my wings, flapping it slowly to hasten the process. I flap my new wings faster, feeling the power every time I open and close my wings. With all thoughts of fear disappearing with the passing minutes, I let go, trusting my newfound courage to take me to the skies. My wings opened, and, sure enough, they were strong enough to carry me where I wanted. I am transformed because I embraced change.

As you feel the loving, spiritual energy course through your body, take your time and let the process take its own course. If you see or hear advice, listen carefully and gently keep it in your heart. Let it be if you feel warm or cold energy coursing through your body, there’s nothing to be afraid of. The omnipotent power knows what your body needs at this particular moment. Let go, and trust.

When you are ready, bring yourself back to your body. Feel the soft fabric of the pillows or the blankets against your head and your body.  Hear the ambient sounds in your room -the gentle purring of passing cars, the whooshing of the fan as it gives off a gentle breeze, pay attention to the ambient sounds around you.  You are back in your safe, comfortable, and familiar place. You are in the same place, but you feel the change taking place inside of you, you are full of courage and ready to spread your wings and fly.

Written by:

Joanne Derecho
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In one part of Joanne's life, she literally traveled the world while working onboard cruise ships. Her travels gave her a unique perspective as she writes sleep stories for sleep apps like Ultrahuman, Soothing Pod, and Mediana. She also uses her background in Communication Research to write SEO-friendly web content, blogs, and articles in subjects like real estate, travel, parenting, cruise ships, relationships, lifestyle, and robotics.
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