3 Health Benefits of Green Tea

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer KIM REX LIMBAG

3 Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is much more than just a healthy laxative. The humble green tea tree has a number of antioxidant-rich substances that make it to the cup final (2). Tea is also rich in antioxidants, including polyphenol-based phenolics that have anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and other health benefits. These compounds also contribute to the body's immune function. The benefits of green tea consumption are extensive, but you may be wondering what they are.

There is now widespread evidence that supports the claim that moderate amounts of caffeine, tea, black coffee and even chocolate contain antioxidants. While some studies directly dispute the benefits of antioxidants, most agree that moderate amounts of these compounds can improve brain function. When caffeine is taken with polyphenol compounds, or antioxidants, the improvement is even greater. In fact, drinking a cup of green tea containing antioxidants twice a day has been shown to lead to an increase in brain function.

One of the more common neurodegenerative diseases that affects older adults is Alzheimer's. While prevention is better than cure, there are treatments that can slow the progression of the disease. One of these treatments is green tea. In one study, participants who drank three cups of green tea daily had lower chances of having dementia when compared with those who did not drink green tea. The study showed that there was a strong link between green tea consumption and the prevention of Alzheimer's.

Another of the green tea benefits is related to another common neurodegenerative disease - Parkinson's. Some studies have indicated that a compound in green tea called ECGC is beneficial in preventing Parkinson's. ECGC is partially known as "stress-resistant enzyme". It seems that this particular enzyme works to protect the body from excessive amounts of stress hormones which is connected to Parkinson's. In a number of medical trials, participants who regularly consumed green tea extract were found to have lower incidences of Parkinson's disease when compared to those who did not regularly consume the tea.

Of course, one study involving overweight men revealed that they who regularly took green tea extract had lower body fat. This may be due to the presence of caffeine. However, the results of this particular study were rather inconclusive. In another study involving younger people, it was also found that the intake of caffeine was positively related to body fat. Thus, caution should be taken when using green tea for weight loss purposes.

One other of the many green tea benefits is related to preventing heart disease. Ldl is a type of cholesterol, as are triglycerides and high-density lipoproteins. Studies have indicated that drinking several cups of green tea daily can lower the absorption of LDL cholesterol and increase the absorption of HDL cholesterol. Research has also indicated that drinking green tea can reduce the risk of some forms of cancer, such as breast cancer. It has been hypothesized that the superfood green tea can act as an antioxidant, fighting free radicals within the body that can result in cancer development.

A third of the studies show that green tea may help you lose weight because it has the ability to suppress your appetite. When your metabolic rate is increased, your body needs to burn more calories to provide fuel. The way that green tea works is that it induces thermogenesis, or the process by which the body produces heat in order to expend energy. With higher levels of metabolic rate, the body can now burn off more calories, resulting in lower caloric intake.

There is growing evidence that the extracts of green tea can promote brain function. Green tea antioxidants can help improve memory and slow down the progression of dementia in elderly individuals. The research on the health benefits of green tea is increasing, with new studies coming out all the time. If these health benefits can be applied to you, there is no reason why you shouldn't include it as part of your daily diet.

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