Puptastic Naturals Puppy Food (fake product description)

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Ruth Peterson

Raising Your Pup to Live Their Best Life Congratulations on the newest addition to your family. As new Dog Parents, you want to provide the best nutrients possible to help your pup grow to be healthy and happy. Our Puptastic Natural puppy food contains human-grade foods such as chicken, lamb, and salmon, brown rice, farro, and quinoa, plus vegetables and greens such as spinach and kale. These important food combinations are designed to give your pup the nutrition they need to be their very best. Our puppy food looks like real food, rather than the brown paste you've seen before. This is the food we feed our own dogs and we've loved seeing them thrive. We know they love the taste and are excited when meal times come around. We offer several varieties, so your pup is never bored. Take home a package today and see for yourself. We guarantee your pup will be thrilled with your choices.

Written by:

Ruth Peterson
Hire Ruth P
As a teenager, I wrote fiction, short stories in the science fiction and fantasy genres. It wasn't until 2002 that I published my first fiction novel. Three more novels came after that, all published by small presses. In 2013, I went back to school for my masters in creative writing and graduated a year later from Full Sail University. Since then, I've written several non-fiction articles, completed two screenplays, another novel and a novella.   I write fast and require little editing.   I live in Seattle, WA.
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