Spider Vein Treatment Options in Lafayette, Indiana

This is a writing sample from Scripted writer Tess Chedsey

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Spider Vein Treatment Options in Lafayette, Indiana


There is a variety of venous treatments available in Lafayette, Indiana.  The treatment depends on the specific venous disease and how the disease developed as well as on the patient’s choice of treatment possibilities. 

Spider veins, also known as telangiectasias, are smaller than the better known varicose veins, those bulging veins that can be of blue red or flesh-toned hues.  For those suffering from painful varicose or spider veins in the Lafayette, Indiana area have many treatment options available to them.

Those seeking treatment for spider veins in the Lafayette area are fortunate to have access to the Lafayette Regional Vein and Laser Center, a complete cutting edge diagnostic and treatment center for diseases of the veins. 

The treatments for spider veins vary from patient to patient.  Specific treatment depends on the contributing factors to the condition and requires a thorough physical examination by a physician specializing in the field of phlebology and access to a facility such as the Lafayette Regional Vein and Laser Center with the latest technological advancements in the treatment of venous disease. 

Spider veins are not a serious health problem but can be uncomfortable.  However, if the spider veins involve a deep vein thrombosis, a blood clot in a deeper vein that produces pain, warmth, redness and swelling, the situation can be a significant health risk as the clot can travel to the lungs which can be fatal.

Spider veins should be treated even though they are presently not a health threat to the affected party.  Spider veins do not disappear on their own accord, and if left untreated further outbreaks of the condition will develop. 

Treatment types range from the conservative and non-invasive to surgical techniques where the patient is under a general anesthetic.  Following is a brief explanation of five of the most popular treatments offered by the center in Lafayette.

 1.  Conservative Treatment

This treatment consists of a few lifestyle changes such as exercising more, attention to diet and nutrition, weight loss, walking, avoiding crossing the legs and avoiding prolonged standing.

 2.  Non-Invasive Endovenous Laser Treatment

The endovenous laser is one of the latest techniques in treating venous diseases of the saphenous vein reflux type where all the symptoms of varicose veins manifest but without the veins actually becoming enlarged and visible.  The treatment uses a laser beam to cauterize the interior walls of the offending veins under local anesthesia.  The procedure essentially closes up the affected vein permanently rerouting the blood to the body’s healthy veins.

 3.  Ambulatory Phlebectomy also referred to as Microphleboctomy Treatment

 Ambulatory phlebectomy in Lafayette, IN. is more invasive than the laser method and is used to treat varicose and spider veins that are not caused by the saphenous vein reflux.  Tiny incisions are made in the vein in this procedure.  The veins are then completely removed through an opening in the skin.  The procedure is completed in less than an hour and there is virtually no downtime experienced.  There will also be no visible scarring so there is a positive cosmetic result.

 4.  Sclerotherapy sometimes referred to as Chemical Ablation Treatment

This remains the most popular spider vein treatment choice for both doctors and their patients in the Lafayette region.  It is the most effective and least painful of the treatments.  Sclerotherapy works by injecting chemical agents into a diseased vein bringing inflammation to the vein causing it to swell and close.  The vein then continues to shrink until it is totally absorbed by the body itself.  While the process is well tolerated with little risk to the patient, it does require more than a single treatment session.

5.  Radiofrequency Ablation Treatment

This treatment involves local or regional anesthesia of the area to be treated.  A catheter goes into the vein that delivers radiofrequency to the vein wall causing the vein to collapse and close up.  Symptoms improve appreciably or disappear altogether immediately after treatment.  When the catheter is removed, a bandage is put on the place of insertion and the patient is encouraged to walk, wear special stockings and take an anti-inflammatory to hurry up the healing process.  Normal activities can resume immediately.

These treatments and others offered at the Lafayette Regional Vein and Laser Center are performed on site in the facility.  There is no need for hospitalization.


Varicose veins

Spider veins

Chemical Ablation


Endovenous LaserTreatment in Lafayette

Lafayette Indiana

Deep vein thrombosis

Lafayette Regional Vein and Laser Center

Phlebectomy in Lafayette, IN

Written by:

Tess Chedsey
Hire Tess C
Tess was born in Los Angeles and now lives in Northwest Oregon at the confluence of the Pacific Ocean and the Columbia River. She has been a freelance writer/editor/proofreader for over 12 years and has written blogs and articles for the web on a large variety of subjects. Most recently, Tess has been writing on the diverse topics of addiction and recovery and real estate and home improvement. When she is not doing that, she is traveling the world and finding herself in art museums both famous and unknown. She has a passion for travel and art history.
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